Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is manipulation of a person’s soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, fat, tendons and ligaments) to improve that person’s health and overall well-being. It is typically done manually and utilizes fixed or movable pressure or movements to the body. There are numerous types of massage therapy methods (also called modalities). Massage is known to affect the flow of blood and reduce muscular overcontraction. It affects the nervous system through stimulation and improves healing of tissue.
People choose to undergo massage therapy for several reasons – For reduction in stress or anxiety, to improve flexibility, to reduce headaches, to relax their tense muscles, to rehabilitate minor injuries (as recommended by a medical professional), to improve skin health, to reduce acute or chronic pain, to improve overall movement, and promote overall physical and mental wellness, to induce a relaxed mental state, to improve sleep, or for the impact of therapeutic touch. In practice, many massage therapists use more than one technique or methods in their work and sometimes combine several methods. Effective massage therapists ascertain each person’s needs and then use the techniques that will meet those needs best.
Nails reflect our overall health, which is why proper nail care is so important. Nails are a specialised form of stratum corneum and are made predominantly of keratin. Their primary functions are for protection, scratching and picking up small objects. When looking at the nails carefully inspect the nail plate and surrounding skin.
If the patient presents with a nail problem, it’s important to ask about skin disease elsewhere and examine them generally. Fungal nail disease (onychomycosis) is nearly always associated with fungal skin disease (check feet, hands, groin). Nail changes may be the first sign of psoriasis (check scalp, elbows, knees and flexures), lichen planus (check oral mucosa, lower back, scalp, wrists and ankles) or other skin diseases.
Psoriasis may result in haphazard nail pitting, onycholysis, subungual hyperkeratosis, ridging and/ or yellow hypertrophied nail plate.
Eczema is associated with irregular pitting and ridging and paronychia.
Nails reflect our overall health, which is why proper nail care is so important. Nails are a specialised form of stratum corneum and are made predominantly of keratin. Their primary functions are for protection, scratching and picking up small objects.
Nails need to be moisturized, especially after removing nail polish, so be sure to apply a cream regularly. Always protect your cuticles. Never cut or forcefully push back your cuticles as doing so could lead to an infection. If you must push them back, only do so gently after a shower or bath.